Let's Rebuild & Excel Pakistan

Energy Crises Reforms and Mining Projects

By Zahid Ikram

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Pakistan facing Electricity Shortage since long, Also Costly Production. Line Losses and Wastage/Over use of Electricity are our big issues that we are facing.  We have to overcome all Energy Crises and Load Shedding on Priority Bases. We have to take the following measures:


  • We need to innovate more Renewable Energies like Windmill, Solar Energy and Bio-Fuels for Industrial use.

  • We have to Setup Solar Energy Production Units in Hot Deserts of Pakistan.

  • We have to Setup Windmills around the Beaches and in Mountain Areas.

  • We shall involve our prisoners to work to generate energy. Like prisoners in Brazil ride bicycles’ to generate the electric power, more they ride their bicycle they get reduction in their imprisonment. 

  • Sugarcane ethanol is an alcohol-based fuel produced by the fermentation of sugarcane juice and molasses. Because it is a clean, affordable and low-carbon bio-fuel, sugarcane ethanol has emerged as a leading renewable fuel for the transportation sector. Our Sugar Mills shall have established production of low cost Sugarcane Ethanol for our Country.

  • Biogas is an other low cost renewable Energy Source. Biogas may have produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. In every Village Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste etc. to overcome the Energy Shortage in Pakistan.

  • We have to setup Waste-to-Energy plants and Waste Management System which will burn municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage or trash, to produce steam in a boiler that is used to generate electricity.

  • We have to utilize the waste of Fruits and vegetables to feed the aged unwanted domestic cattle to get Animal’s waste within 8 Hours to produce methane gas used as a fuel and further waste shall feed to earth worms to reproduce Vermicast within 72 Hours. This is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. This is also known as Black Gold, which is the best organic Fertilizers for agriculture growth in the World. This is the cheapest and easiest way of Waste Management and Energy Production without spending any power/ fuel energy.

  • PAEC have to Setup more State of the Art Small Atomic Energy Plants for Pakistan's Industrial Requirements.

  • Small or Medium Sized Hydroelectric Turbines shall be installed on Waterfalls and Rivers in KPK over Fast Flowing Water Canals / Rivers of Punjab and Sindh to overcome our Energy Crises.

  • We have to Build More Small Hydroelectric Dams Power Stations on Rivers and Lakes to Generate Cheap Hydro Electricity. These Dams will also Save Water for Drinking & Irrigation use.

  • Generate Electricity with the Solid Waste
    We shall produce Electricity from Solid Waste Management like Singapore and Turkey. Where Incineration reduces the waste by up to 90 per cent, saving landfill space and the heat is recovered to produce steam that propels turbine-generators to generate electricity. It will help us in recycling the waste and clean our Environment.

    Singapore disposes off their garbage in the most fascinating way. In an actual 'island' which is the world's first ecological offshore landfill. This landfill is specially designed by engineers and environmentalists from Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA).

Save More Electricity 

  • We have to upgrade Electric Distribution Networks to save more Electricity.

  • Household/Office Solar Power Generation shall be promoted which cost about Rs. 100,000 Per 1 KV and much cheaper than your annual costs. Moreover, WAPDA/ Electric Supply Company Shall Buy Back the Extra Electric by your e-Meter you are generating or you sell it to Neighborhood, this will help you earn from your large solar power generation system and also help to overcome Energy Crises in our Community

  • We have to Control the Electricity Line Losses and Theft In Household and Industrial use.

  • There shall be Controlled Use of Lights, Billboards, Decorative Lights & Gadgets, Air-conditions, Electric Heater & Water Geysers etc. at Home, Shops, Offices and Parks. We have to use LED bulbs and Energy Saving devices.

  • Energy Sector has to Promote Solar Energy Panels for Household use, Solar Powered Street & Traffic Lights, Speed Check & CCTV Cameras etc.

  • We Shall use more LED Lights of 1-10 Watts for Homes and Offices.

  •  Like many Advanced Countries, we have to Close our Markets, Showrooms and Business by Early Evening, it will Save us a lots of Electricity.

  • Farmers Cultivating in Remote Areas shall be Provided Interest Free Easy Loan for buying  Solar Powered Tube Wells & Windmill.

  • Free Allowance of Electricity, Patrol, Diesel and other Utility for personal usage Shall Be Ban for all Government Officials and Even WAPDA Employees.

  • In 1947 there were only less than 300 tube wells and now it has increased to 700,000 Plus, which are consuming lots of Energy, and also creating a shortage of underwater for our domestic usage or future requirements. We have to immodestly build new dams and more canals

  • We have to review our Water Policy with India, which is planning to turn away water of all rivers coming from Kashmir to Pakistan and building 200 over dams, what we have done for our future? Are we going for a war on water?

  • We have to explore more new Oil, Gas, Coal, Gold, Copper & Minerals Sources in Pakistan,

  • Pakistan shall earn maximum revenue out of its strategic location, its Gwadar Port, Motorways and C-PEC Routs  to earn its revenue above 20 Billion US$ annually.

Build Kalabagh Dam
Let's share with you that how India has started the cold war with Pakistan and India is constantly getting success in this war? While the People of Pakistan and its Ruling Class is sleeping after selling their horses. And in this misunderstanding, it is simple that India has taken away the battlefield against Pakistan.

As expected the World Bank has declined to declare Pakistan's complaints and evidence on the construction of the Kishan Gang dam. This is a major defeat on Pakistan's diplomatic frontier from India. The construction of the Kishan Gangma Dam was started in 2009 when the PPP was the government and the N-League was a strong opposition. For two years after this case, the case continued to run in a International  Court of Law but ultimately, the International Arbitration Court not only rejected Pakistan's objections. allows India to bend water.

I usually do not criticize political figures but tears of blood dropped by looking at the downfall of our Agriculture and Water Resources in the last decade. Here, the PML-N's responsibilities should be evaluated that India has completed only four small dams and two major dams on the river Indus. That is why Mangla dam has been empty since October 2017, while Tarbela dam is in need of rains. This story does not end here; our future is very painful by reference to Water.

Two years back, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has stated that he would resist Pakistan's water supply and he is following it. India has completed the 11 small dams, including Salal Dam and Buglihar dam on the river Chenab. India is constructing 52 dams including Bihar Barrage and rubber dam on Jhalm River. Construction of more 24 dams continues on River Chenab

Similarly, there are more than 190 Dams Feasibility Reports are in the process at Lok Sabha and Cabinets Committees.
Remember, India has given Pakistani Corrupt Politicians heavily compensation to keep Pakistan away from this benefit, so that the Governments do not make a dam for Pakistan and do not stop India from making illegal damages on other diplomatic levels. And thirdly, the Indian treasury also have been heavily compensating Pakistani Corroup Rulers for destroying the Pakistani treasures in wasted tasks, to destroy Pakistan's treasury.

Kalabagh Dam is among the proposed dams in Pakistan since 1987. ... Another main objection by Sindh province is that Kalabagh dam will convert Sindh into desert because of the blockage of water and KBD will increase the sea intrusion problem.
Kalabagh dam is compulsory for Survival of Pakistan
. The 
dam would have 3,600 megawatts of electricity generation capacity. ... It is very important to note that Basha Dam and Mohmand Dam are no substitute for Kalabagh Dam, not because of their altitude, which is high enough, but because no irrigation canals can be taken out from it because of the hilly terrain, while we can have many irrigation canals from Kalabagh Dam for Agricultural Growth in Pakistan.  Also the construction time is less than other dams.

Few Corrupt Politicians are opposing this dam on behalf of India while taking huge funds from India for stopping to build this dam. The army court must imposed Article 6 to hang these Corrupt  Politicians ASAP too build this dam soon.

Mining Projects

Thar Coal Mining Project
According to Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) which works in collaboration with the Sindh government and is the main sponsor of the project, Thar coal reserves containing 175-billion-tons coal are spread over an area of 9000 square kilometers in Tharparkar, which is sufficient for our Future need of 50,000 Mega Watts of Electricity for 500 Years of Energy Requirements. 

The Reko Diq Gold and Copper Mining Project
The Reko Diq mine is located near Reko Diq town in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan. Reko Diq represents one of the largest copper reserve in Pakistan and in the world.

The mineral resource at Reko Diq is estimated at 5.9 billion tonnes with an average copper grade of 0.41% and an average gold grade of 0.22 g/tons. The Group’s 37.5% attributable share of this resource amounts to 2.2 billion tonnes, with an annual production estimated at 200,000 tons of copper and 250,000 ounces of gold contained in 600,000 tons of concentrate.

According to the extensive technical financial studies undertaken, in order to secure optimal ‘economies of scale’ efficiencies, and lower mining and processing costs, a large scale, state of the art mining and processing unit is required at Reko Diq.

NAB, FBR and FIA shall investigate for removing anomalies and revisit all Government Agreements like IPPs, LPG, Circler Debits, Foreign Investment, CPEC China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Reko Diq Gold and Copper Mining Contract to foreign firm, Government Sector Privatizations, Loans Waived off and other Contracts etc., and rectify all issues against the interest of Pakistan.

Mineral’s Resources in Baluchistan
Pakistan has a great Zink and other very precious minerals and stones  in Baluchistan to mine which may change the economy of Pakistan very surprisingly.

Khewra Salt Mine
The Khewra Salt Mine (or Mayo Salt Mine) is located in Khewra, north of Pind Dadan Khan, an administrative subdivision of Jhelum District, Punjab Region, Pakistan. The mine is located in the Salt Range, an outer range of the Himalaya Mountains which rises from the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is Pakistan's largest, the world's 2nd largest and the oldest salt mine in the world.

The mine is famous for its production of pink Himalayan salt, and is a major tourist attraction, drawing up to 250,000 visitors a year. Its history dates back to its discovery by Alexander's troops in 320 BC, but it started trading in the Mughal era. The main tunnel at ground level was developed by Dr. H. Warth, a mining engineer, in 1872 during British rule. After independence, the Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation took over the mine, which still remains the largest source of salt in the country, producing more than 350,000 tons per annum of about 99% pure halite. Estimates of the reserves of salt in the mine vary from 82 million tons to 600 million tons.

Pakistan is the only country for having the world’s largest salt mines with proven reserves of about 10 billion ton in three mines. India import our salt and export to Israel and the other countries as its own product and earning on salt exports more than Pakistan.

India is bound to provide water to Pakistan in return of Salt, but have built many dams to reserve our water. India also use to stop the export of tomatoes to Pakistan time to time in the name of Strategic Strike, Pakistan shall stop exporting of its Salt to India in case India stop our Water and Food Items.

We have to stop exporting cheap salt to India as well all other world. We have to do value addition by refining it and packing with international standards to export it at high price.

Brine, Salt water, particularly a highly concentrated water solution of common salt (Sodium Chloride). Natural brines occur underground, in salt lakes, or as seawater and are commercially important sources of common salt and other salts, such as chlorides and sulfates of Magnesium and Potassium.

Brine is a high-concentration solution of salt in water. It is used for Food Processing and Cooking (pickling and brining), for de-icing of roads and other structures, and in a number of Chemical Technological Processes. The chemical formula of ammoniacal brine solution is NaCl+H2O.  Natural brines occur underground, in salt lakes, or as seawater and are commercially important sources of Common Salt and other Salts, such as Chlorides and Sulfates of Magnesium and Potassium.

Being inexpensive (Almost free in Pakistan), most common refrigerant brines are based on Calcium Chloride,Sodium Chloride and Glycols. It is used because the addition of salt to water lowers the freezing temperature of the solution and the heat transport efficiency can be greatly enhanced for the comparatively low cost of the material.

Indeed the Brine Salt Water is very important for chemical industries, This is also use in Washing Soda. We are producing about 3,700,000 Tons of Salt Yearly and ICI Chemical Industry is getting more than 200,000 Tons of Salt Yearly with a Free Brine Salt Water Supply like Buy One Get One Free, and using it in many group industries and selling it at very high price. This Brine is 100 Times Expansive than Patrol. The Government shall stop its Tons of free supply to ICI and shall start its proper sales and Export.
Find More about Revise The 1947 Treaties for Salt and Water Supply with India


List Innovative Reforms For The Progress Pakistan

Smart e-Solutions for Pakistan

Invitation By نمائش مسجد نبوی

By the Grace Almighty Allah, on 15th April 2017, I was invited in Saudi Arab as Guest Honor by “The Holy Quran Exhibition” and “Asma-ul-Husna Exhibition”, both Exhibitions are located at Masjid-e-Nabwi (PBUH) Madinah Munawrah. The ficial Urdu Facebook Page  نمائش مسجد نبوی  Published about my Visit and my introduction at https://web.facebook.com/Exhurdu/posts/1188045777985359?pnref=story

روضہِ رسولَ پاک ﷺ کی حاضری کے دوران میں نے پاکستان کے لئے نمائش قرآنِ مجید -  تحقیق و ترقی کا منصوبہ کا پلان تشکیل دیا ہے جہاں ایک عام آدمی ‘قرآن کے پیغام‘ کو سمجھنے کے لئیے داخل ہو گا۔ جہاں وہ تمام مضامین جن پراللہ نے انسان کو دعوتِ غوروفکر دی ہے وہ سب جدید سا ئنس اور قرآن پاک کی روشنی میں واضح کیے جائیں گے، خصوصی طور پر ہمیں دکھائی دینے والی کائنات میں اور خود نفسِ انسانی کے اندر پائے جانے والی اللہ کی تما م نشانیاں۔ یہ یقینی طور پرایک منفرد اور منطقی سوال وجواب کی نمائش ہو گی جو کہ انسان نے کبھی نہ دیکھی ہو اورجو زندگی بدلنے اور خیالات کوابھارنے میں مددگار ہو گی جو کہ تھری ڈی ماڈلنگ ،سیون ڈی ہولوگرام ٹیکنالوجی، آڈیو ویڈیو ملٹی میڈیا، تصاویر اور گرافکس، ٹچ سکرینز، انگریزی ارد و اور دوسری مختلف بین الاقوامی او ر علاقائی زبانوں میں وضاحت ، کیو آر لوگو سکین سمارٹ فونز پہ نمائش کی معلومات کو کھولنے اور شیئر کرنے کے لیئے۔ یہ نمائش اسلام کی روح کے عین مطابق اپنے حدف کو حاصل کرے گی جس کی تعلیمات سے تمام مسلمان اور غیر مسلمان اور ہمارے مستقبل میں آنے والی نسلیں سبھی فائدہ اٹھائیں گے ۔ انشا اللہ


Some Scientific ideas!

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ہمارے بچپن سے ہمیں یہ سیکھایا جاتا ہے یہودی اور اسرائیل ہمارے سب سے بڑے دشمن ہیں

 کیا آپ واقعی اسرائیل اور اہلِ یہود کے بارے میں جانتے ہیں؟

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